
Office Gossip

From the desk of Drew Lavine.

Re:Vision was recently invited by our friends at Interface to participate in a national competition called “Interface Sustainability Next”.  The competition rues were simple: with your smartphone, tablet, or point-and-shoot camera, create a video (30 seconds to 2 minutes in length) that describes your vision of the future of sustainability. Make sure an Interface carpet tile makes a cameo in your video!

Our team of filmmakers (who knew we all had this in our repertoire as well;) embraced this challenge and crafted a short film called “Re:cycle Everything”.  While not as self effacing or serious as some of the other entries, “Re:cycle everything” is a laid back, tongue in cheek exploration of the future burdens of our society’s waste stream and the ability to (hopefully) upcycle everything.

Enjoy the video, vote for us as many times as you care, and forward it on…

Click on the link below to watch some of the entries, including Re:Vision’s Recycle Everything.

From the desk of Neil Young

DVGBC is asking its members to challenge themselves to reach new heights in green building by Greenbuild 2013 (located in our fair city of Philadelphia). Re:Vision Architecture‘s pledge is to reach 100 LEED certified buildings (including 20 LEED Platinum) and near certification of a Living Building Challenge project.

A few other pledges include:

The Energy Efficient Buildings Hub will support 5 full spectrum energy efficiency retrofits in regional commercial buildings

Philadelphia University will have graduated 150 students through its sustainable design program

Pennsylvania Horticultural Society will plant 250,000+ trees regionwide through its Plant One Million project, grow 250,000+ pounds of food through City Harvest, and clean and green 250 acres of vacant land throughout Philadelphia

The City of Philadelphia, across city agencies, will employ green building standards for all residential and mixed-used projects receiving city funding

Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia will build to LEED Silver standards on all new construction projects.  

The Philadelphia Zoo will complete the Hamilton Family Children’s Zoo and Faris Family Education Center, the first LEED certified building in a zoo in PA

See more pledges here...

What will you pledge?

From the desk of Drew Lavine

Re:Vision’s project with the JLL Philadelphia Office is moving forward at breakneck pace. Demolition is complete in the existing space on the 25th floor of 1650 Arch. The building permit application has been approved and layout has already begun in the space. Design is still ongoing but with no time to spare our team is working collaboratively with JLL and their contractor to deliver information in a fast-track approach. Construction is scheduled to end by the third week in June so things will start taking shape quickly!